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What is the difference between Jazz and Blues?

They seem to be quite similar in style and origin.
  • 분야/도메인: 음악
  • 카테고리: 재즈
  • Created: 16:00, 31 December 1969

답변 (2)


Blues is just a special style or simple version of Jazz so all blues music is also Jazz. Compared to blues, jazz uses more chords, scales, tempos etc. which means jazz is more complex.

00:23, 3 May 2011


According to Wikipedia.org encyclopedia, those who perform double bass in jazz, "pizzicato is the norm, except for some solos and also occasional written parts in modern jazz that call for bowing". In blues the "bass is plucked". The basic chord progression of the blues is I(tonic), IV(subdominant), and V(dominant). On the other hand, jazz chords are the variation of the blues chord progressions. Find the subject at http://www.wikipedia.org.

22:51, 18 April 2011

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